Since I last posted I have done my first ever 'microteach' session, received my Decree Absolute (at last!) and welcomed a new addition to the household in the form of Poppy a very 'springy' Springer Spaniel pup!
The Microteach.................

The 'microteach' was part of my Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector course. It took the form of a 30 minute 'lesson' for the 11 other students in the class (most of whom have no interest or experience in textiles). So the challenge was on to find something that was quick enough to fit into a tight time frame, easy enough to teach to beginners and interesting to even the most reluctant of students!
In the end I chose 'Experiments with a Tyvek Envelope' as a subject hoping that this would work. Sample packs were made with pre-coloured samples, equipment was amassed and a PowerPoint presentation was prepared (My first attempt). I then prayed that all would go well, that the other students would be interested, and that I could squeeze the subject in to 30 minutes!
Thankfully, all went to plan. The scientists amongst the group were amazed, the artistic ones were in there element and all had a great time. The only problem was getting them all to stop experimenting at the end - I think they all would have carried on all night!
On to Poppy.....................

Poppy is now 17 weeks old and is a gorgeous liver and white Springer pup. So far she has stolen numerous items of clothing (mainly dirty socks from the Kid's rooms), Dug a huge hole in the lawn and almost demolished the fence. Something tells me that she is going to be a handful!