09 October 2011

40th project completed - A 'filigree brooch'

40th Project completed - A' filigree brooch'

Well another busy day over and done with. I spent the morning replacing numerous bolts in the Locomotive - Jerry M that we are overhauling at Hollycombe. A bit of an unusual way to spend a Saturday morning I'll admit but there you go!

Well what am I making with the bottle tops I found?

01 October 2011

39th project completed - A zip flower

39th Project completed - a zip flower

What a warm day! It has been about 28 degrees out today -  really warm especially for October! They do say that it will break all the records for an October day in the UK today, I wouldn't be at all surprised!!!!

It has been far too warm this week to do much heated craft work but this one is nice and simple and should appeal to most of you, as you can use them however you like whether it be as a topping for cards, as embellishments for sewing projects such as bags or as I have, as hair accessories.

So what are they?

Zip flowers!!!

25 September 2011

38th project completed - a floral gift box

38th Project completed - a gift box

Welcome to the 38th completed project in the challenge. Firstly I must apologise for being a few hours late with this one, I had completed 3/4 of the project and had put it to one side when the pup decided she required a snack and decided that it looked good enough to eat! So I had to begin all over again!!!!!

Anyway here it is, a paper mache gift box.

17 September 2011

37th project completed - a metalwork pendant

37th Project completed - A metal work pendant

Hello again!

Wow this week has past quickly, last time I looked it was Sunday evening and now it is Saturday already. As you will know from the previous post, I decided to play about with an old metal paste tube. 

I knew that as the metal was nice and soft it could be easily embroidered on a machine but I must admit to never having tried it myself. I have discovered that I love it. It was so much fun to do! So here it is a metal work pendant made from a purée tube! 

10 September 2011

36th project completed - A felted mobile phone shop

36th project completed! A felted mobile phone sock

Last week's project started me thinking about the stuffing left over from the pillow. A saw no reason why the filling couldn't be used as a backing for needle-felting and with embellishing machines as a ground to work on. I have been meaning to use one of my favourite photos of my daughter when she was little in a project, so I had a play and came up with this. A felted mobile phone sock for her to keep her phone safe.

it is a reasonably quick project and one for those of you who are looking for an excuse to experiment.

03 September 2011

35th projectcompleted - a quilted penguin bag

35th project completed - A Quilted Penguin bag

Well what do you make with an old pillow?

A quilted Penguin bag of course!

Some of you may be wondering how I come up with the ideas and the process I go through to decide what to make each week. This weeks challenge is a prime example.

The first step is to work out what the item to be recycled is actually made of. In this case the pillow was made up of some poly cotton fabric and some polyester hollow fibre filling. Quilting obviously came to mind as a way of turning the raw materials I had into something new. 

A very similar process happens every week for example; a plastic bottle is just a thin sheet of plastic. We all know that plastic melts when exposed to heat, it is easy to cut and does not fray. Equally, a tomato purée tube is really just a thin piece of metal once opened out, and can be cut and embossed easily. It is a very soft metal so it can also be sewn through with care. 

So why not take a look around the house for things to use rather than using something new?

27 August 2011

34th Project completed - a shiny embroidered gift bx

34th Project Completed - A shiny embroidered gift box


Well I guess it's that time again, so here is this weeks completed project. A Little gift box made with the sweetie wrappers from last week, as I love chocolate so much I just had to top it off with an interlocking heart closure!

20 August 2011

33rd project completed - A fizzy drinks can oil burner!

33rd project completed - A fizzy drinks can oil burner!

Hi, well this one has been great fun so simple and very effective 
not to mention useful!

An essential oil burner made from two Diet Coke cans! 
I think these would make great little gifts with some practice 
or prove very useful used with Citronella essence for those 
late summer outdoor parties to keep the bugs at bay!

13 August 2011

32nd project completed - A beautiful garden light

32nd project completed - A beautiful garden light

The weather has been so warm here for the last few weeks we have been eating a few meals outside. What we don't have are any night lights to light up the garden. So I thought I would try making some. This one was based on a Tiffany style lampshade that I own, covered in dragonflies it is colourful and so on trend at the moment and is designed to hang outside.

Here it is....

A dragonfly night light

06 August 2011

31st project completed - A plastic bottle necklet

I say 'Happy' as we are all supposed to be statistically the happiest this year between the hours of 6pm and 7pm this evening. Were you? I'm not entirely convinced about all that but I am certainly happy to show you this week's project!

A neck-let made from recycled plastic bottles!

30 July 2011

30th project completed - a pair of simple flower earrings

Good evening all,

I think you will like this project, it is so simple yet very 'cool'. this week I have made a pair of cute flower earrings from the leaflets, some craft foam and some earring backs I had in my jewellery making kit!

Modelled here by my beautiful daughter!

23 July 2011

29th project completed - a couple of revamped lamp shades

Well number 29 was really quite fun! As promised I have recycled two lampshades using simple decorative techniques,

one to fit the lamp-base I made last week ....

and one for the top of my stairs which was originally looking really grotty and about to go to the bin....

16 July 2011

28th Project completed - A pleated Cardboard Lamp base

This week I made a lampbase from the folded cardboard organ book!

11 July 2011

27th project completed - Polystyrene printing blocks

Hi all, well I have had a great time playing with the polystyrene block and made a lovely mess in the studio! What did I make?

Some polystyrene printing blocks of course! Polystyrene is so easy to cut and shape with just ordinary knives etc. It doesn't absorb paint and has a lovely smooth surface with a slight texture so is ideal for this kind of project.

04 July 2011

recycle4real: 26th Project Completed - A bubble wrap cosmetics bag!

recycle4real: 26th Project Completed - A bubble wrap cosmetics bag!

I have now completed the 26th project in the challenge and here it is - a cosmetics bag made from the large bubbled bubble wrap I saved from the bin last weekend.

27 June 2011

25th project completed - a scary dragon sock puppet!

posted by Julie Williams at recycle4real - 1 day ago
I love making puppets, it really is something I should do more often. So here he is my latest creation in the recycle4real challenge. I think I shall call him Ignatius - don't know why but it seems to suit him...

19 June 2011

24th Project Completed - Floaty 'feather' earrings

24th Project Completed - Floaty 'feather' earrings

What a dreadful day weather wise! I don't think it stopped raining for more than a few minutes all day! Mind you it did give me some inspiration for this week's project. I was watching a dove in the back garden this morning and as it started to rain it fluttered away. As it flew it dropped one of it's feathers and it reminded me of a project I did a long time ago using heavy interfacing. It struck me that it would work just as well with the plastic milk container I needed to use so here it is..................

A pair of feather earrings made from a recycled milk container!

11 June 2011

23rd project completed - A cute charm bracelet

Hello everybody, here we are Saturday night again, I hope you have all had a good day. This week I have been playing with a sauce pot and a length of chain. So what did I create?

A simple charm bracelet!

04 June 2011

22nd project completed - A butterfly hair decoration

this week I was playing with an old pair of tights, well this is what I came up with - A butterfly hair ornament!

full details on the website (www.recycle4real.co.uk)

28 May 2011

21st Project completed - A felted cuff

Here it is, this week's project, a nice fun one......

A felted cuff made using an old coke bottle, some scraps of felt left over from Christmas and some left over scraps and fibres!

21 May 2011

20th project completed! A gift for a friend

I have used the retrieved items to make a photo album - Kelly is very into her photography and she took the picture that I have used on the front herself. With all the photo's taken last night I am sure she will need more than one album but it's a start!

14 May 2011

19th project completed...A shabby chic box

Made from an old soap box!

Full details as usual on the recycle4real blog at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

07 May 2011

18th project announced on the recycle4real blog

18th project completed - a desk tidy and pencil pot made from odd tubs and tin trays! Full details available on the blog

30 April 2011

17th Project completed - A Macrame hanging tidy!

posted by Julie Williams at recycle4real 
Well here it is - Number 17. I am desperately trying to tidy up my work room at the moment so I thought I would try to make a few storage items over the next few weeks starting with this one. Based on the ...

23 April 2011

16th project completed - a shiny garden mobile

posted by Julie Williams at recycle4real 
Hello again! This week I have been trying to sort out my garden, not an easy job with two young dogs intent on destroying it at every opportunity! I wondered if the aluminium drink cans I rescued from the rubbish.....

17 April 2011

16th project announced

Wow what a busy day!
I spent the morning retrieving my classic Morris Minor car from the garage she has been stored in for 5 years (she looked as though it had been more like 20!).I am aiming to have her back on the road by the end of June.

After an afternoon cleaning, she is now almost shiny. Unfortunately she has seized brakes and won't start but hopefully that won't take long to sort out. So I guess I have a busy few weeks ahead of me!

Anyway back to the task at hand, this week's project announcement. This week I am going to try and think of something to make with.........

Old soft drink cans!

16 April 2011

15th project completed - a springtime bangle

Hi, this weeks project was really fun and quite quick once I had worked it all out. I have made a bangle from the industrial cardboard tube using some leaflets which arrived through the post from local garden centres etc. Full details on the recycle4real blog

09 April 2011

14th project completed!

14th project completed! A small Easter basket

Well I promised something with and Easter theme this week, and here it is. A small easter basket, ideal for giving as a gift, full of mini eggs!

Full details on the recycle4real blog

Back in stock and NEW

The following are now back in stock: Skin soft backing & 7" spring hoops.

2 great new Easter kid's craft kits!

02 April 2011

13th Project completed - A Small Springtime Container

The 13th project is now complete - A lovely little springtime container made from a covered herb pot full details available on the the blog 

26 March 2011

recycle4real: 12th project completed - A cute little knitted pur...

recycle4real: 12th project completed - A cute little knitted pur...: "Well here it is, a cute little knitted purse made from the crisp multi-pack wrappers. I have kept it very simple as I am no great knitter!

19 March 2011

11th project completed - plastic bottle flower brooches

Good evening all!
Here they are, the 11th project that I have completed in the challenge:

Plastic bottle brooches

Full details as usual on the recycle4real blog at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

13 March 2011

recycle4real: 11th Project announcement

recycle4real: 11th Project announcement: "Wow it's been a long day! All my emails and orders have been dealt with. The kids, dogs and other half have been fed. The kitchen and bathro..."

recycle4real: 10th project completed - a scrap fabric and fused ...

recycle4real: 10th project completed - a scrap fabric and fused ...: " Well, another project completed. This week I was playing with plastic bags and some fabric scraps. I hope you will like this project, ..."

06 March 2011

10th project announcement

Number 10 already! 10th project in the recycle4real callenge announced at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

05 March 2011

9th Project Completed in the recycle4real challenge - A polystyrene cup vase!

9th Project Completed - A polystyrene cup vase!

Well, I have had so much fun this week! 
I know you are going to love this project, it is so easy yet so effective so I will be expecting lots of photos of your efforts after this one to add to the reader's gallery on the website.

Well here we are, my 9th offering to you all is...........

A lovely little vase made from a polystyrene cup and yes it does hold water!
Full details available on the recycle4real blog at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

26 February 2011

8th project completed! - A woven 'chequerboard' bag

For my 8th project I made a cute little woven bag made from pet food sacks and a bamboo cane! - not the best thing I have ever made but a great experimental project that could be developed further. Full details on the recycle4real blog

20 February 2011

recycle4real: 8th Project announcement.

recycle4real: 8th Project announcement.: As most of you will know from previous posts, we now have 2 dogs in the house and boy can they eat! Molly is still on puppy food, whereas Poppy (If given the chance) will eat absolutely anything. The result is that we regularly have very large dog food bags going into the rubbish.

They used to be made of paper but over the last year or so the food has been coming in very thick plastic bags instead.These are lovely strong bags and I use them for all sorts of things such as holding manure from the horses, taking garden rubbish to the dump etc. I even used them as grow bags last year, but I can't help thinking that there must be something else I can do with them.

There are lots of instructions available on the internet for tote bags made by cutting off the top and adding handles but as usual I want to take things a step further. So I will be having a play with these this week and see what I can come up with.

19 February 2011

recycle4real: 7th Project completed

7th Project completed

I thought I would try something completely different this week, no sewing involved this time! So what did I make with my foil trays?

An Art Nouveau style frame!
Full details on the recycle4real challenge blog at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

16 February 2011

make do and mend items from July Textiles

make do and mend items from July Textiles

With money tight we thought we would round up all the items we have that you will find useful for 'upcycling', recycling or general repairs.

13 February 2011

recycle4real: 7th Project announcement

7th Project announcement

Hi all!

We have been in complete chaos over the weekend. I have only just finished returning the house to it's normal state after moving everything out of the kitchen so my lovely other half could tile the kitchen floor.
He has done a fantastic job and there is of course another bonus.....
We have been forced to have Takeaways for 2 nights running! But what to do with all the trays? - My council don't like collecting these, so it gave me a great idea for the materials for this week:

Foil trays!!!!!!

Usually I have a vague idea of what I am going to attempt for the project but it must be said I really am not sure this week, so I will get my thinking cap on overnight. Wish me luck! More details of the challenge at: www.recycle4real.blogspot.com

06 February 2011

6th project announcement

This weeks recycle4real project announcement: 

Welcome everyone to another Sunday night's announcement. 

I still have some denim left over from one of the pairs of jeans, so this week I will be using this up, I fancy some more embroidery this week so lets see what we can come up with this week! 

Full details on the recycle4real blog

05 February 2011

recycle4real: 5th project completed - Frayed around the edges bag

Here is this weeks recycle4real completed project. As promised it is made from recycled jeans.

The 'frayed around the edges' denim bag with slashed detailing and self tie closure
See the full details on the recycle4real blog

29 January 2011

recycle4real: 4th Project complete!

recycle4real: 4th Project complete!

Hi all, Right I've just finished the forth project in my challenge, it is a set of four free machined 'scribble' coasters made out of bubblewrap and carrier bags! Visit the special recycle4real blog for more details!

25 January 2011

Recycle4real challenge news

Well it has been a very busy few weeks, Project number 3 was posted on the recycle4real blog on Saturday and number 4 is now under way!

Project 3: a golden casket 

Project number 4 is now under way and is being made from plastic carrier bags and bubblewrap!

For more info and to follow the recycle4real challenge visit the recycle4real blog

09 January 2011

Project 2 announced on the recycle4real blog

I have announced the second project in my recycle4real challenge, A Tiffany style 'stained glass' panel made from sweetie wrappers! Full details available on the recycle4real blog at: http://recycle4real.blogspot.com

08 January 2011

1st project completed in the recycle4real challenge

Sweetie wrapper Bracelet!

I have made this gorgeous bracelet from sweetie wrappers and 
wire. I hope you like it!

You will find all the details on how to make it on the 
recycle4real Blog

02 January 2011

So now it is time to announce the materials I will use for the
 first project in the recycle4real challenge!

Sweetie Wrappers!

We are all chocoholics in our house especially around Christmas. 
Every year I save the sumptuous coloured wrappings from all our 
sweeties thinking that they must come in useful for making something, 
only to throw them out about 6 months later as I still haven't got 
around to doing anything with them - WELL NOT THIS YEAR!

I have decided to use them in the first project. I have an idea for a 
bracelet as the sweet wrappers remind me so much of the colours 
you get in the lovely glass beads which are so popular at the moment.

So watch the recycle4real blog during the week and I will let you know 
how things are progressing. The finished article and instructions will 
be posted on Saturday (8th January) on the recycle4real blog and will 
also be added to the  recycle4real website.

Recycle4real project starts today!

I cannot believe how fast the beginning of the challenge has come around! Still it is nearly here so I am getting prepared, getting the housework up to date and reminding the Kid's that I will be a bit busy this year.

The first project's materials will be announced on This evening (2nd December)

By Monday / Tuesday I should have a design idea ready to make over the following days. The final item will be photographed and a set of instructions will be published on the Recycle4real blog on Saturday 8th for you all to see. Find it Here

Then off we go again on Sunday evening......

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